Nature's Medicine


“Let food be thy medicine and medicine thy food… Hippocrates.”


This quote from Hippocrates suggests that food should provide for the body what it needs for health and healing.  Food is defined as any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb to maintain life and growth.  Some of the things consumed as food do not fall into the true definition, and certainly do not provide healing to the body.  Most medicines come from plants.  If plants hold the secret to healing diseases, why wouldn’t they hold the secret to preventing them. For example, Hippocrates, the ancient Greek Physician and father of western medicine, prescribed garlic to treat various medical conditions.  Current research also shows that garlic can lower blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and has many other health benefits.  Nature has provided for us what we need for good health.

Some “foods” consist of artificial ingredients, chemicals, additives and refined sugars.  All of these are detrimental to one’s health.   I heard a doctor describe the diets of most Americans as CRAP.  CRAP is synonymous for Carbonized Drinks, Refined Sugars, Artificial Foods and Processed Foods.   I must agree and if we are truly honest, we also feel like crap when we consume these.   There is a saying “We are what we eat.”

People who are suffering from obesity, hypertension, diabetes, mood disorders, mental disorders, and some neurological issues can likely track these things back to their diets.  Those with these issues then take medications derived from plants to help minimize the symptoms.   Medications do not cure or provide a remedy to the problem; they only suppress the symptoms. Medications also have side effects. Underneath it all, the root cause is still there; and the problem is progressing.  Food is medicine and  real food can cure some chronic diseases.    

I’ve heard testimonials of people reversing chronic illnesses by eating plant based. Like most Americans, I ate what one doctor describes as the SAD diet (Standard American Diet) full of processed foods and dairy products.   

In January of 2023 after suffering from hypertension and being treated with medication, I decided to challenge myself to eat plant based for 30 days.  To my surprise, my blood pressure regulated itself, I lost 30 lbs., and I was more vibrant, energized, and happy.  I did not change anything else.  I did not exercise.  I only ate raw fruits and vegetables. It totally changed my life.


Why not eat yourself to health and not to death?  The processed junk we are consuming is slowing killing us.  It is not food.  Food must have nutritional value and help us to maintain life and growth.  If what we are eating is making us sick, it is not food.  Food should heal, give us energy, make us vibrant, and provide a better quality of life.   


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