Inflammation: Friend or Foe

The Condition

In 2021, I contracted Covid 19 - the Delta variant.  I experienced almost every common symptom of covid including those in the gastrointestinal tract.  Every time I consumed food, there was tremendous amount of phlegm generated in my throat; I cleared my throat constantly.  In addition, there was a constant burning sensation in my nose and a sick feeling on my stomach. My primary care physician diagnosed me with acid reflux and told me to take an over-the-counter acid reflux medication.  Because the symptoms persisted and the medication wasn't working, she referred me to an ENT (ear, nose, and throat) provider who then diagnosed me with Silent Reflux also known as laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR). LPR is a condition in which the stomach acid flows back up the esophagus into the throat. I was prescribed the highest dose of reflux medicine to help combat the symptoms. During the visit, the doctor placed a light up my nose and down my throat (this was not comfortable) and said “you don’t have an infection problem, you have an inflammation problem. Take two 200 mg tabs of Ibuprofen per day to help with the inflammation, and I’m going to write you a prescription for the reflux.”  The prescription - Omeprazole 40 mg tabs – TAKE ONE CAPSULE BY MOUTH 2 TIMES A DAY – 9/29/21.  I took the medicine for a few weeks, but I felt no better, and I knew the medication was only suppressing the symptoms.   I couldn't get past the sick feeling on my stomach. Also, after reading the side effects, I became more adamant to cease taking those capsules.



The Diagnosis

I was due for a colonoscopy in the same month, but I did not feel like going through the procedure; therefore, I rescheduled it for late November. In the meantime, I discussed my symptoms with my daughter who works in Gastroenterology, and she recommended that I see a Gastroenterologist and have an EGD. An EGD (Esophagogastroduodenoscopy) is a procedure to examine the esophagus and stomach.  If you’re not familiar with the term EGD, it is when a camera is inserted down the throat into the abdomen and the provider takes cultures of any tissue or substance from the throat to the stomach.  Thankfully, I received a call from Gastroenterology informing me of a cancellation and that I could have the procedure performed in a few days.  I was not happy about going under anesthesia, but I needed to get to the root of the problem.  The provider performed an EGD as well as Colonoscopy.    My colon was clear, but my stomach had an overgrowth of bad bacteria called H-Pylori, and I had chronic inflammation of the stomach lining diagnosed as "Gastritis”. 

These diagnoses sent me on a quest to find answers.  Especially since I was prescribed more medications -2 antibiotics and Pepto Bismol - that I was required to take four times a day.  I was told that no matter what, I could not miss a dose, or I would need to do a second round of antibiotics.  Wow!  I already felt horrible.  Now I’ve got to take all this medicine along with the acid reflux medicine prescribed by the ENT.  Thankfully, after my round of antibiotics, I was clear of H-pylori and clear of Gastritis.  I felt normal again and I could eat again. 

The inflammation in my stomach signaled to me that there was something wrong.  Thankfully, I did not stop until I got to the root cause of the problem and sought treatment.  Not only did I take the antibiotics, but I also discovered natural remedies to treat these conditions.  I came across something called Mastic Gum and I strongly believe it was the Mastic Gum that gave me the relief and success I needed in combating this issue.

Inflammation is a part of the body’s defense mechanism.  It is the process by which the immune system recognizes and removes harmful and foreign stimuli and begins the healing process. Inflammation can be either acute or chronic.  Acute inflammation goes away within hours or days.  Chronic inflammation (silent inflammation) such as I experienced is when the healing process goes rogue in our bodies and silently damages healthy tissues and organs. This can go undetected for months or years.  I honestly don't know how long I had the inflammation or what caused it. It was at the point where I needed to do something fast and aggressive to combat it. Conditions linked to chronic inflammation are most of those termed “itis” I had Gastritis which is chronic inflammation of the stomach.  There are other types of chronic inflammation: Arthritis – chronic inflammation of the joints; colitis – chronic inflammation of the colon; sinusitis – chronic inflammation of the sinuses among others.

Inflammation can work for us or against us.  If we injure ourselves, this immune system response is going to do its job to start the healing process.  However, we can do things to cause chronic inflammation to form in our bodies and our lifestyles are driving chronic inflammation.


The major causes of chronic inflammation are unhealthy food choices, chronic stress and toxins. Most Americans consume over 150 pounds of sugar per year.  Sugar consumption is linked to all major diseases and causes chronic inflammation in the body.  The diets of most Americans consist of processed food, refined oils, and refined carbohydrates.   Consuming too much of these is linked to elevated inflammation in the body, weight gain, and insulin resistance.

We can reduce inflammation by consuming anti-inflammatory foods such as leafy greens, walnuts, and avocados.  The ENT provider prescribed Ibuprofen for the inflammation, and there are other anti-inflammatory medications on the market that will help combat conditions.  However, all medications have side effects.  A medication can help in one area and hurt in another especially if consumed for an extensive period of time.  There are many medications derived from plants. Hippocrates, the father of western medicine said, "Let food be thy medicine and let medicine be thy food." 

If we go back to natural ways of taking care of ourselves which includes eating a healthy plant-based diet, participating in meditation and relaxation, and detoxifying our bodies often; we can give our bodies what it needs to heal and to perform optimally. 

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will instruct his patient in the care of the human frame in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease." -Thomas Edison

I am not a licensed medical practitioner.  Please consult your medical provider for treatment of any medical conditions. 


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