
Inflammation: Friend or Foe

The Condition In 2021, I contracted Covid 19 - the Delta variant.  I experienced almost every common symptom of covid including those in the gastrointestinal tract.  Every time I consumed food, there was tremendous amount of phlegm generated in my throat; I cleared my throat constantly.   In addition, there was a constant burning sensation in my nose and a sick feeling on my stomach. My primary care physician diagnosed me with acid reflux and told me to take an over-the-counter acid reflux medication.  Because the symptoms persisted and the medication wasn't working, she referred me to an ENT (ear, nose, and throat) provider who then diagnosed me with Silent Reflux also known as laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR). LPR is a condition in which the stomach acid flows back up the esophagus into the throat. I was prescribed the highest dose of reflux medicine to help combat the symptoms. During the visit, the doctor placed a light up my nose and down my throat (this was not comfortable) a

Life is in the Blood

 Chlorophyll - The Blood of plants   All living things have blood, and the life of all things is in its blood.  When thinking of blood, we typically think of the red substance that flows in the veins of animals, fish, birds, and humans. When thinking of life, I think about one's ability to exist, grow, and flourish.  Since plants have the ability to exist, grow and flourish, then we know that plants have life in them . No, plants do not have brains or nerves. Plants can't speak or interact with us, but they can sense the environment around them; and yes,  plants have blood.  Chlorophyll is the natural compound present in green vegetables, green fruit, and algae. Chlorophyll is similar to hemoglobin, a protein in the red blood cells that carries oxygen to the body.  The molecular and chemical makeup of chlorophyll mirrors red blood cells.  The only difference is the center atom.  Chlorophyll utilizes magnesium and hemoglobin uses iron. Chlorophyll may increase human blood's

The Gut-Brain Alliance

  Does food affect our mood? The digestive system has within itself a mind of its own. This "mind'  housed in the enteric nervous system (ENS) functions in very much the same way as the brain of the central nervous system (CNS). Just as the brain transmits signals, responds to stimuli and records experiences; the "second" brain does the same exact thing. The "brain in your gut" is changing health practitioners understanding of the links between digestion, mood, health and even the way you think.  It was once believed that depression and anxiety contributed to digestive problems, but researchers now believe it may be the other way around.  If you've ever had a "gut feeling" or felt "butterflies in your stomach", you were getting signals from the brain in your abdomen.  This abdominal brain is where feelings and moods occur.  The gut and brain are in constant communication.  They are so connected that they can feel each other.  A gut p

Nature's Medicine

  “Let food be thy medicine and medicine thy food… Hippocrates.”   This quote from Hippocrates suggests that food should provide for the body what it needs for health and healing.   Food is defined as any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb to maintain life and growth.   Some of the things consumed as food do not fall into the true definition, and certainly do not provide healing to the body.   Most medicines come from plants.   If plants hold the secret to healing diseases, why wouldn’t they hold the secret to preventing them. For example, Hippocrates, the ancient Greek Physician and father of western medicine, prescribed garlic to treat various medical conditions.   Current research also shows that garlic can lower blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and has many other health benefits.   Nature has provided for us what we need for  good health. Some “foods” consist of artificial ingredients, chemicals, additives and refined sugars.   A

Think yourself to good health.

Good health is not only determined by the foods we consume, but also by what we allow our minds to consume.  There is an ancient proverb that states "as a man thinks, so is he".  This statement says that man is mind and mind is man. Man is what he/she thinks about all day.  What are we thinking? How are our thoughts affecting our lives and more specifically our health?  We have been conditioned to think sickness.  All around us are messages that draw our attention to diagnoses and conditions.  We are bombarded with TV ads about medications and treatments for particular diseases.  We don't realize that as we passively listen to these suggestions, our subconscious minds/hearts are being programmed to think on these things even when we are not "thinking" on these things.  If I am what I think, it is imperative that I watch my thoughts so that I am what I truly desire.  Some people have no idea how they got into the conditioned state they are currently experiencing.

Done with Dairy

Dairy is highly allergenic. The inflammation and mucus produced by dairy products contribute to sinusitis, rashes, respiratory issues as well as digestive problems. Dairy products are a major cause of hormonal imbalance and increase the risk of certain diseases. Some allergy and stomach issues can be resolved by substituting dairy products for plant-based options.  Why are humans the only mammals who consume milk after infancy AND consume another animal's milk?  You will not see a kitten drinking dogs milk.  Also, a fully grown goat or cow does not drink milk, so why do grown men and women need it?